Sunday, September 26, 2010

Juliet's shiner

My black eye.
This is the story of my black eye. On Saturday, I was carrying a tool. It swung on to another tool. It whacked me on the eye. I was crying. Dad squawked like my arm was chopped off. I was dizzy. I was walking around and around. Dad carried me up to the deck. Dad put me on a chair. Auntie Sarah gave me an ice pack. Nanna and Auntie Ruthie looked after me. That's my story of my black eye.
by Juliet

Juliet's shiner
 Last night we had a bon fire at Nanna's house. Damien had taken the kids up in the afternoon to prepare for it. Benjamin and I stayed home to rest while they were working. While Damien and the kids were helping Juliet was injured. (If someone is going to get injured in our family, Juliet is usually the one.)

The story I have heard is Juliet was carrying Damien's sleg hammer. She went to put it down but it landed on another tool, possibly a spade. The handle popped up and whacked her on the eye. My poor little girl and poor Damien, he felt so bad.
It doesn't look as bad as it did this morning. She could bearly open her eye.

Thankyou to all those that looked after when it happened.

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