I knew that there was a chance of a busy year for our family but things just keep getting busier and busier in our home.
We are already into week 4 of school with the first school assembly item for Isiah on today. His class is also going to be doing a production in term 3 with 2 other classes called Heights in lights. They will perform 2 dance routines with the other classes and 1 on their own. He is also a sand pit monitor where he helps put out sand toys at recess and lunch, and he assist with keeping the area tidy and helping find lost toys, shoes, etc. in the sandpit.
Rory has joined the Big Band at school. The music teacher spends time with the band teaching them songs on the xylophones and keyboards to perform at school functions like assemblies, Heights in Lights, and End of Year concert. He has also put his name down to be a compare for the school assemblies. He will have his first class assembly item next week.
Juliet has started year 1. There were only boys from her class last year in this class so she has had to spend time making new friends which she is good at. her concern with school is that she can't spell everything she wants to yet. It was really upsetting her yesterday when we got home from Meet the Teachers night. I told her not to worry about it and that she would learn to spell better and she was taught and practised.
Charles and Anabelle have been visiting a Child Care Centre with me this week. They will be starting at the Child Care Centre next week without me. This centre has you do a min. of three visits before you start. Charles has not been to a Child Care Centre in almost a year but has been fine during the visit. Anabelle hasn't even gone to nursery without me so this will been a new experience for her. She has managed to leave and play while we have been there but keeps saying, "watch me, mummy", and making sure I am around.
You may be wondering why they will be going to Child Care again. On top of having another baby I will be starting uni in a couple of weeks time. I will be doing one subject at a time for now. Yes I do think I am insane but now is the time Heavenly Father wants me to do this.
To top this off Damien found out this week that he has also been accepted into uni. He also will do only one subject at a time but can do 3 a year as he has trimesters. just to add to his load of working, bishop, councilor on Salisbury Council, Chairperson of the kids soccer club, Father, and Husband. I know this is what we are suppose to be doing right now and that somehow we will get through it, with a lot of prayers.
This is going to be one busy year for our family of almost 8.
Woah!! That is a lot! Well done Isiah on being a sand pit monitor and Rory for being a compare! That's awesome that they want to get involved. What is Damien going to be studying?
Damien is studying law.He started today.
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