For those of you that didn't know we noticed some lumps on Charlie's head a couple of months ago. We saw Dr Graham a month and a half ago and he had no idea what they could be. He sent us of for a ultrasound. That showed that there were more lumps than we could see but they had no idea either. So we were sent to a paediatric surgeon, who also had no idea, a month ago. He wanted to wait a month to see whether they would go away. He had said one of the things it could be was a skin condition that would go way. So Monday Charles had another appointment with the paediatric surgeon to see what was happening with them. In that month another one had appeared and they looked slightly larger to me. The surgeon decided that he would do a biopsy to see if they could find out what it was. They don't suspect anything to concerning but we just want to know what is happening. An appointment was made for Friday to have this biopsy done. Charles had a cold so I was hoping that he would be ok for Friday.
On Tuesday Charles' cold had gotten worse. He was running around fine in the morning except for his cold. By the afternoon he started to sound asthmatic. I decide to take him to a doctor. I was told he needed to get him to hospital because his breathing wasn't to good. The others all ended up at Nanna's (Thanks Nanna). We were there from 5:30 to 10:30. The doctor spoke to us about asthma and gave us information to read. The main reason we were there so long is they wanted to monitor he to see how the treatment went. If he hadn't gotten better then he would have been in overnight. The children didn't get to bed until 11 at night. The poor things.
On Wednesday Isiah had an assembly item. We did offer a sleep in but Isiah was so keen on doing his assembly item. He has been learning about space this term and they were singing so song about it. I was fun to watch.
On Thursday I had an appointment.
On Friday Charles had his biopsy. We left home just before 7am to be at Parkwynd Hospital at 7:30am. He didn't go in until 9:30.He had to fast for the biospy and didn't start asking for a drink or food until about 20 mins before he went in. About 30 min later he was back sleeping. He slept on my lap for about 45min. He wasn't worried about his head at all. He was complaining more about the needle in his hand for the drip. He was finally able to drink when he woke up and they got him a sandwich once he was ready to eat. It was 2:10pm before we even got home. Anabelle really didn't like it. She was all over me for the rest of the day. Rory decided that this week was "all about Charlie." He also says "Charlie is CRAZY!"
Saturday was spent watching Rory, Isiah and Juliet play soccer.
I am so glad that week is over. I don't know what we would have done without Nanna. She helped out so much this week. Thankyou Nanna.
Charlie's hospital name band. He kept telling me it had his birthday on it.

The bandaid is where they did the biospy.

So have you got the results yet? Is he ok?
He is ok. Damien spoke to the doctor. The lumps arn't going to harm him and will go away over the next 7-8 years. It is very rare apparently there are only 5 other cases in the world. We see the doctor in a month to find out more. (I hope I got the details right)
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