Juliet's first concern was that we wouldn't have anything to eat for dinner. Then it was that Rory would be angry with her for spilling his invention. Next came ,"I want my daddy!" Whenever she hurts herself she asks for her daddy. I ended up ringing the ambulance after Nanna suggested it. The ambulance crew were great. They tried to keep her mind of the pain. They gave her a green breathing whistler to use as well. It kind of works like the gas when you are in labour. She really enjoyed it, they had to take it off her at the hospital she wasn't very happy with that. She was still in a lot of pain so they had to give her painkillers through the nose and put a pad with a special gel on it on her burns. Damien got some stuff for us and the came straight to the Lyell McEwin Hospital.
She had to be transferred to the Women's and Children's hospital so the burns unit could treat her. She had some more painkillers through the nose in ER before going to be treated. I'm not sure if it was her nerves or if she could still feel all the pain but she would scream every time they touched the burns to get rid of the dead skin. Her right leg had a burn the size of a 20c piece, the left leg was much worse. She has special pads on her burns that contain silver to heal the healing process and to keep out germs. We have to keep the pads moist so they don't rust. We will be off to the hospital tomorrow so they can see how the burns are looking and to change the dressings.
I am so glad it wasn't at the beginning of the week. I'm even more grateful for the priesthood on the earth and that I have family members who hold it. The priesthood blessing she received was such a comfort to me and helped me through the night.
Thank you so much Nanna, Grandad and Aunty Sarah for dropping what you were doing to help us out.