Christmas morning was fun. The children have to wait for everyone wakes up before they can go in the lounge to see the presents. The rule is you are not allowed to wake anyone up or you go last. I don't want them doing what My sibling and I use to do. We would bother our poor mum until she would let us open some presents and this would sometimes be not much after midnight.

Santa gives the children clothes, books, socks and jocks, the last two for children that have been naughty though the year, and a stocking full of goodies that is found on their bed in the morning. The toys on the other hand come from mum and dad. Why should Santa get all the glory. This year they all got scooters even Damien got a scooter. The best present to me was watching their faces and the handmade gifts they had made for Damien and me.
We had my family (Sturt's) over for lunch. It was the first year in a very long time that every one was together on Christmas Day. It was only for about 5 minutes but we were all still together. There was 31 people in total It was lucky we had done our back yard up so we could be outside.
Dinner was at Thorndon park with the Watts side of the family. It was good as there was plenty of things for the children to do. After we went back to The Pilkington's home so we could exchange presents.
I was exhausted by the end of the day and had a busy day to follow.