Thursday, October 2, 2008

school holidays and stuff from the boys

On Wednesd@y the first October two thous@nd @nd eight we went to @untry Yolly's house!!!!!!! At Aunty Yolly's Emily was painting nails. She paints Juliets, Mums, Charles, Rory's and uncle Paul. Rory had his done just so uncle paul would get his done.

We then went to the Harry Bowey reserve for a picnic with grandpa, grandma, uncle Paul, Sarah, Emily, Nicholas, Aunty Karina, Akasha, Dylan and Joshua. Uncle Paul tried not to let people see his hands. Sarah was a great sister to her brother Nicholas (he has autism) she sent a lot of time looking after him. Aunty Karina and her kids left earlier than the rest of us. We had a cake for Emily's birthday. I can't believe she is 12 already. After the cake Uncle Paul took the kids to feed the ducks while Grandma and mum packed up. And surprise, surprise Rory fell in the water.

We took Sarah, Emily and Nicholas home. We can do this in our bus. It was great. Nicholas was fine as he goes in a bus similar to ours for school swimming. When we got there we found Aunty Karina and her kids there.
Isiah found a scary mask and was scaring all the little children with it. Joshua was really freaked out. 2 1/2 hours later we finally went home.


Keekies said...

That sounds like it was lots of fun! (Well maybe not falling in the water, unless it was hot!)

Tammy said...

lol. For Rory, falling in the water would have been brilliant =) .. What a champ!