Monday, September 15, 2008

isn't anabelle so cute she was busy rahing her dad at the time of this picture
juliet loves her dad especialy after the scout cave at the show

juliet and charles chose the ferris wheel for there ride arn't they soooo cute
rory love that hat so much that the teachers have banned him from wearing it to school they say its tatty appearence is bad for the school image go rory
i think isiah was woundering what dad was doing with the camera but he is such a good boy

my kids are the best and these are the latest pictures thqt i have of them i hope you enjoy watching them grow up


Bryan, Amy, Michael, Tyler, Emily and Benjamin said...

I love my nieces and nephews and am proud of their achievements.

Keekies said...

I love the pictures! Everyone is growing up so fast... What gorgeous kids!

Keep them coming!

DAMIEN said...

they zare georgeous arn't they they get it from their beautiful mother