The soccer session has just finished. It has been an eventful year. We would have not been able to do it without the help of family and friends. Thank you to all those that have helped us out, especially when Benjamin was born. We have watched the kids improve in their soccer skills. Isiah has become quite a good goalie, saving many goals. Juliet has managed to play games without falling on the ground and crying. She showed that she has potential to be a great player if she puts her mind to it. She is not afraid to tackle the boys who have the all. She even managed to score a goal. Rory managed to prove to his coach on the last game that he is a defender. He had a chance to get a goal but boot it over the goals instead. Charles participated in development squad with his Dad as the coach. Damien was the development squad coach and the Chairman of the club.
These are some of the thoughts from the kids regarding the soccer season:
Isiah: Saving goals and having another player get angry at me for letting a goal in. Fun. It is fun being a defender.
Isiah and Mario (U9 coach) |
Juliet:Sad the season ended. I loved it. I'm going to miss soccer. I can't wait until next year to play soccer.
Juliet with her trophy |
Rory: Awesome
Rory collecting his trophy from his coach, Nick,
and assistant coach, Peter. |
Charles: I like kicking the ball into the goals.
Charles with his certificate and medal for
participating in development squad |
Anabelle: I want a lolly pop. (I shouldn't have asked her with a lolly pop in my mouth)
Benjamin: Is just happy he can sleep in his bed on Saturday mornings.
As for Damien and myself, we are happy to have sometime on a Saturday to do work around the home (The garden is in desperate need of attention and we need to put the vege garden in). We are also looking forward to not needing to go out on Tuesday and Thursday evening for practise.